What people are saying.

  • “I want to thank you very much for the presentation at the RFG meeting March 6th. I think everyone enjoyed it and had a good time. You had the program very well organized including good selection of materials and a well laid out lecture.”

    — Igor Raven, President, Reno Fiber Guild

    Reno Fiber Guild blog post about the workshop.

  • “Thank you for sharing the joys of nature journaling with us! I'm having lots of fun with it!"

    — Arelle

  • “Hi Jen! Thanks for inspiring me to journal!"


  • "You inspired me to try journaling and explore Reno and Nevada even more! Thank you Jennifer!


  • "Jen, terrific and inspiring talk on journaling. Will Try and get past negative thinking on my drawing."




  • "Thank you for all your encouragement. For the first time ever, I'm actually drawing in my notebook. Big deal!"


  • "Thank you, Jen! You convinced me that nature journaling is awesome!"


  • "Thank you for volunteering again to teach Cal Naturalist classmates about journaling!"


  • "Thank you for inspiring me to draw more! Appreciate it!"


  • "Your enthusiasm is contagious. I love how you presented your journaling and you made it exciting and practical. Thank you for sharing your love and passion."


  • "Jennifer, I will remember your enthusiasm for journaling every time I chronicle nature's untold symphonies that dance in the air above mycelial detritus into that space between psithurism and the day!!! (I'm more of a writer than an artist.)


  • "Jen, thanks so much for doing awesome lessons on journaling. You would be impressed at all their journaling efforts!"

    Lynn Hori, U.C. CalNaturalist - Sagehen Program

  • "Dear Mrs. Jenny, thank you for the lesson and the sewing machine! I love it so much! I am going to make so many amazing things in the future! Thank you!"

    Emma Freihofner

  • Jennifer, I absolutely love the weaving and think Emily (my daughter) will too as her Hanukkah gift!"


Sagehen CalNaturalist Nature Journaling 2024
Artown 2024 Nature Journaling at Rosewood Nature Study Area
Artown 2024 Nature Journaling in the Wetlands
Mike nature journaling at Rosewood
Artown 2024 Nature Journaling at Rosewood
Coiling workshop at Revel Rancharrah 2024